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'sup yo. in case you haven't noticed, i added a gallery here, and i changed a couple things around this place

for starters, all the articles start out minimized cuz otherwise you have to scroll right down to the bottom to see what's going on and that takes time and effort and stuff and that's not cool

to everyone that hasn't noticed yet, this website isn't about any topic in particular and i just post a random bunch of bollocks on here from time to time. think of this more like my own personal playground/testbed and i can and will to whatever i please on here

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introducin' my wishlist

man there's a load of bollocks out there. from bio-degradable underwear to egg boilers. as if it's implied that throwing a couple eggs into a pot of water until they're done and boiled is too complicated an affair for our puny minds, and that we in fact have lemon meringue and blueberry cheese cake for brains..

..which, aside from making me want to turn into a zombie and eat people's brains right now also gave me the idea of compiling my very own wish-list from all across the world to the farthest reaches of space. so sit back and enjoy the stuff that i want and agree with me that it's awesome and buy it for me okay

check out my wishlist here

(going to be discontinued because i'm too lazy to update it)

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mah vaper

here's my innokin itazte vv v3.. though it's really vw as well which is nice cuz you can just set the wattage and it automatically adjusts the device so you get the same vape every time

it's got a built in multimeter and Ω reader and i can check the voltage, wattage, and Ω on a device without even having to fire it up. it's got faulty build atomizer short circut protection thinggy, and it's got ego/510 thread so i can use my 510 attys on there which, most of the time, i prefer to ego stuff anyways

itazte_small1 itazte_small3 itazte_small2 itazte_small4

a very nice mod though my only qualm is the battery life although it has a pass-through so i can vape while charging. i'm not always at my pc. i wanna get myself a mechanical mod next, and speaking of which, i have my eye on this pertty little bitty. i'll post some pictures when she's mine

talking about rebuildable attys, i wanna do a vid of myself rebuilding this 1ml 2 post rda cuz i couldn't find terribly many good ones.. well, to my liking at least

so stay tuned, i'll definitely bring bring you some more on rdas, voltages, wattages, batteries, chargers, and some liquids too. sore ja ne

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